Free NHS Wigs

A free NHS Wig may be an option. The reason you would choose a wig while at the hospital would be because you are an out-patient having treatment that is causing you to lose your hair. The common treatments usually related to hair loss are some types of cancer treatments. This can be due to having chemotherapy. Of course, there are other medical reasons which might cause hair loss; I am merely stating the most common one. At some point, the nurse(s) who are in charge of providing free NHS Wigs will come around and ask if you would like to look at a few of them. It’s a decision you don’t have to make straight away, but when you are ready, the nurses will be there.

When you are ready to face looking at wigs, you will need to make an appointment with the nurse. These nurses have many patients to support so they would need time, to schedule you into their next visit to your hospital ward. When that time arrives it would be recommended that you ask a family member or friend to accompany you on your wig meeting. This meeting would usually take place in a private room, giving you much-needed privacy. The nurse may have had time to prepare the room,  meaning a variation of wigs would be on display.


Some cancer treatments can make your hair fall out, but wigs, cold caps and other products are available to help you cope.

The nurse will talk to you about what wig would suit you best. You will have the opportunity to try on the wigs and the nurse will adjustment them to your head. If the nurse has enough stock you may be able to take home the wig you choose. However, if she has not got any additional stock with her, she will order it for you and arrange another appointment with you, so when it does arrive you can re-try it on and be comfortable with your choice. The NHS only allows you to have one free wig (at the time of writing) and not all hospitals in the UK offer this service.


NHS ~ Get help for wigs and fabric supports

Wigs are available from the NHS but patients will be charged for them unless they qualify for help with charges. There are extensive arrangements for providing help with NHS prescription charges and other health costs such as wigs.

Wigs and fabric supports costs 

  • Surgical brassiere – £27.05 
  • Abdominal or spinal support – £40.85
  • Stock modacrylic wig – £66.70
  • Partial human hair wig – £176.65
  • Full bespoke human hair wig – £258.35

Taken from NHS you can read more by Clicking here.


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